July 12, 2008

Manav Speaks

I stand alone in the shadows behind the office building. A lit cigarette between my lips, I fiddle with my phone. I delete all the messages sent by Reia. She has been sending pathetically desperate texts, begging me to at least speak to her on the phone even if I don’t see her. I haven’t responded to any of her messages. I can’t go through the emotionally draining session that conversation promises to be. I don't have a death wish. I think I should change my number and give it a clean break. If I am reachable, she will always give in to the temptation to call or message.

The solitary steel trashcan I stand next to has an ashtray top. I hear footsteps approaching on the graveled path. I turn around, curious to see who could be invading my private space. I have always considered this specific spot as my own. People hardly come down here to smoke. It’s not very well lit, hence is mostly deserted.

I can’t see clearly, just a silhouette. It has to be of a woman. She seems tall, has long hair and is wearing a salwaar kameez. She is just a few steps away, so i take a good look at her face. She is probably in her mid twenties. Her long tresses dance around her face in the sultry breeze.

“Hey. You have a light?” She inquires. Her left eyebrow shoots up questioningly.

“Yes.” I respond grudgingly and offer her my treasured Zippo.

She takes it, lights her cigarette and takes a long deep puff. She returns the lighter with a polite nod.

We stand there in companionable silence and smoke. Every time she dabs the cigarette in the ashtray, her bracelet makes a tinkling sound.

I am involuntarily reminded of Reia. She loves wearing bracelets. She has plenty of them, with different trinkets that hang and make a tinkling sound.

I finish my smoke and stub the cigarette in the ashtray. I stand there a while, waiting for her to finish hers. She nods appreciatively, acknowledging my politeness I guess.

She finishes her cigarette, stubs it and looks at me squarely for the first time. I give her a non-committal smile. She responds with a polite smile of her own and a nod.

We walk back together towards the entrance of the building. I wait for the lift in the foyer. She takes the stairs up.

(To be continued...)