My 1st Diwali ever away from home! Surprisingly, I don't feel as bad as I thought I would. Paiel has already made plans with the rest of the gang from India to go out for dinner to a swanky Indian Joint I've already been to with the Aussies. She has even taken out a pretty pink kurta and churidar to wear this evening. I haven't been on the best of terms with my fellow Indians off late. There has been an unspoken rift between them and me. I suspect its becoz I've been spending almost all my free time with the Aussies. Paiel still asks me to tag along with her and the gang for dinner. I give her the ghost of a smile and politely decline. I tell her I intend to snuggle up in the bed and read. I can see that the news hasn't really disappointed her. Whatever...like I care...!
Jason is wearing a wicked smile on his face and his eyes are gleaming. I smile back at him. He leans against the doorway and says, "I couldn't help but notice the fairly large group of Indians all dressed up in traditional clothes leaving the hotel a few minutes ago as I was coming in carrying this carton of san mig lights. It struck me that you weren't part of the group. So I thought I'll drop by and check if you were OK. So are you OK?" I think if his eyebrows go any further up on his forehead, they would disappear... "Yes! I am. You weren't counting on me being in distress and you rescuing me, were you?" I ask.
Jason: "Ah!You read ma mind. Look, the beer is cold and I am open to sharing some with you. Do you have something to eat?"
Me: " Chips and cashew nuts. Will they do?"
The voice on the other end..., "Meet us in the lobby in 15. Casual."
beep beep beep. The line gets disconnected.
Jason: "Blank call or a crank call?"
Me: "None. Gimme a minute to change, we are going out."
Jason calls after me... "where?"
I find myself being introduced to a fresh group of Aussies at The Blue Star, a hip pub at Green Belt. I meet Matt Feeny, a very interesting character. He is gay. He thinks I am exotic. He wants to visit India and he has already read a lot about it. He does tarot card reading. I think this evening is not really a waste after all...
I bond with Matt at a whole new level. I do girlie talk with him and it doesn't freak me out. Ordinarily, I find girlie talk even with a girl to be such a turn off. However, I enjoy Matt's company immensely. I discover he is staying in the room right opposite mine. We are both thrilled. We decide to meet for dinner the next day and show our tarot card sets to each other and learn new ways of card spreads.
"I can't get the key in! There is something wrong with the lock!" I grumble.
Matt: "Maybe they have deactivated the key..." his voice trails off at that thought and he struggles to get his apartment door open.
Matt: "Oh!"
Me: "Yaa... thats right."
As I lean against the door in my drunken state, the door opens and I stumble in.
Paiel: "I heard the noise. You were struggling to open the door hun?"
I smile sheepishly at her and thank her.
"Happy Diwali!" Very generously I throw in a wish as well...
(To Be Continued...)
Just curious. I'm guessing tis all fiction or based on true incidents??
SB: Firstly...Are u who I think u are? I see u like papa roach, dave mathews band...i used to know someone who did and also introduced me to Lifehouse which btw I heard a lot in Manila. So much so that the tape went wonky!
- To answer your question...no its not fictional. Read the previous two entries on Summer of 04...u'll follow whats happening.
- Will look fwd 2 ur comments on the other posts as well.
Happy Reading!
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