July 13, 2013

Through The Looking Glass

Some 3 years past, today, I revisited my blog. I read a few of my posts. So what led me to it? An inquiry! After a long time, someone asked me for my blog address. I have sent the link, which I had honestly forgotten (it's been that freaking long!). After a few failed attempts, I finally figured the correct address & mailed it out.

I am feeling strange. Very strange indeed. It's sort of like when someone is in a comma & has an out of body experience! The soul floats over the numb, cold body & gets pulled towards the pearly gates. As it draws near the blinding white light, the past flashes in front of one's eyes. While he sees his past actions & reactions, realization dawns. He is able to tell the rights from wrongs. I wouldn't go so far out & say that I am a changed person & I believe I should have thought, said, done things differently. But it sure as hell has left me in a contemplative mood.

I see that I was brave at times & then a coward. I was loud mostly but also feeble. I was downright funny sometimes & then just plain dreary at others. But through all that, I had a friend or two holding my hand, keeping me company. People I could trust & be myself with. I feel blessed to have met them when I did & for as long as they stayed in my life. I couldn't have done without them then.

I usually never look back. I live for & in the future. I am a dreamer. I don't have any fixed ideas. I just have fragmented thoughts that string every now & then & paint a picture that I see myself becoming a part of someday. Not to say I am not living in my present. I am. But then my present is beautiful because I look forward to my future so much. Nothing is or can be wrong with today bçoz there is a sunny tomorrow to take care of the un-attained & unattended. Tomorrow always comes... & becomes an awesome today!

Albeit seeing things through the looking glass, my world isn't topsy turvey. It's sure changed, yes. But it still makes sense with everything & everyone exactly where they should be! :)

1 comment:

Nav said...

Good One, waiting for the next one :)